
Showing posts from July, 2023

What is Earth Resistivity Testing, and Why is it Important?

Do you know that with an Earth Resistivity Test, you could unearth the secrets of the Earth? This potent method carries immense value as it offers indispensable knowledge about soil composition and its electrical conductivity. Earth Resistivity Test is an advanced geophysical survey method that facilitates a more profound comprehension of the terrain beneath our feet. Considering the importance of this test, this all-inclusive guide strives to illuminate the importance of technique. As well as delve into its various applications and emphasize its significance in activities such as site characterization, geological mapping, and groundwater exploration. Let's go through the guide… A geophysical technique called Earth Resistivity Testing helps determine how permeable the ground is to electrical currents. The process of Earth Resistivity Testing involves passing a controlled amount of current through the soil and then measuring the resulting voltage. The value obtained is used to comp

What is Soil Resistivity Test?

Soil resistivity test is conducted to measure the resistance of soil when current is passed through it. It is a critical factor in design of systems that rely on passing current through the Earth's surface. Soil resistivity is the ability of the soil to resist the flow of electricity. Various factors affect the resistivity of a soil such as its composition, temperature and moisture content. Since soil is not a homogenous substance, its resistivity will vary with depth, with lower soil layers having greater moisture content and hence lower resistivity. For hard and rocky soil, the resistivity increases with depth. Bhoojal Survey has successfully conducted Soil resistivity test operations at different sites across India using wenner method. For queries visit Soil resistivity testing has multiple purposes 1) Soil resistivity test is conducted to determine Low resistivity zone for safe earthing purposes. It is most effective way to id

What You Need to Know Before Drilling a Borewell

For centuries, groundwater has served as an invaluable resource, holding immeasurable worth for humanity. With its substantial consumption, India stands as the global leader in utilizing groundwater resources. For the judicious and sustainable utilization of groundwater resources and their management, Central Ground Water Board (CGWB) holds significant importance as an apex institute in India because the primary source of drinking water in India is groundwater. CGWB which operates under the Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India, is the premier national organization responsible for delivering scientific expertise in the management, exploration, monitoring, assessment, augmentation, and regulation of the country's groundwater resources. For this matter, CGWA issues NOCs (No Objection Certificates) as proof that proposed projects and operations that involve the extraction of groundwater for domestic, commercial, or industrial use comply with all applicable regulations. So,